You know, I'm a lucky girl. I'm very happy to say that there are lots of you very gorgeous people, including many of the people I link to on the right, who are good friends of mine in the real world, in my neighbourhood, my city and beyond. Then there's some people I 'know' through cyberspace, and yet others who pop in occasionally, quietly and drift on.
One of our lovely ladies,
Tash, passed away earlier this year and she's been in my thoughts a lot this week for various reasons. Another lovely knitter friend just told me she's been diagnosed with breast cancer and it has made a decision for me. I'm sure you're aware that October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. I want to do something to distract myself from thinking about why crappy things happen to good people, I want to make a financial contribution. I want to push myself, because I can. So I intend to run the London Marathon next year to support a breast cancer charity. It's something I've been thinking about but the sponsorship part of the whole endeavour put me off, to be honest. It's as much of a challenge as the actual run. The running part? I'm not insensible enough to think it won't be really bloody hard. But sure it wouldn't be any fun otherwise, now would it?
But I'm going to give it a go. The first part of the challenge is actually getting a place. You can read more over
here [Edit - comments over there were a little cranky but seem to be ok now. Also if you'd like to link to either post from your blog, please do!] and I'm going to send the charity that link as part of my application, so it would be great if you could check it out and maybe leave me a comment - whether you're a friend, a cyber friend, a knitter, a crafter, a reader or a lurker (especially a lurker! come out!) , and you'd like to give support, advice, or good old filthy lucre - well all donations accepted*. Go on, make me look good... the charity makes the decision around about the end of October....
* obviously won't be looking for pledges for actual real cash until I get a place (think positive!)
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