So it's not my birthday yet. But it's my birthmonth. As previously noted, this month is going to be a bit odd, lots of anniversaries, notable dates etc. A lot of 'Oh for god's sake get over it', said, with a smile. I realised that my last post made it sound like I was upset but actually, once I type out a post like that, it really does get it out of my system. Seriously, type and it's gone. But thanks for all the encouragement and 'chin up' comments. It's up.
On Monday I met up with two friends that I did my masters with, P is living in France now and she called on Friday to say she was coming over for meetings and did I want to meet up - yup! It spurred me on to track down the other college friend, I, (she does live in London again now after a stint in Barcelona, and she's famous for losing mobile phones every three months or so ;-) but I found her) and we all went out. Turns out that I is a knitter - ah hah, it's contagious! So glad to have tracked them both down again, though P has returned to Toulouse, but I is coming to knit with me soon, and is also signed up for the crochet class I'm organising.
Yesterday: knitting at Foyles, a trip up to a new yarn shop at Kingley Court that I clued me in to, (I've completely forgotten the name, but apparently they also have a stall at Covent Garden market?) then dashed into the beadshop opposite. Wonderful little place, filled with interesting things at very reasonable prices.
And to mark my unbirthday, I bought some little treasures.
Destined for necklaces, it does look like I just purchased things that co-ordinated with my knitting bag, which is the backdrop in the photo above. They reminded me of the Liberty print fabric below, on the left, which is destined to be a dress - though I'm thinking now perhaps dress and skirt:
Afterwards I dashed home and another dear friend, G, came over to collect me and The Heaviest (But Most Beloved) Sewing Machine in The World and dropped it to the little man, five minutes down the road - G also brought her own machine, to be serviced, and we'll be having Sewing Stitch and Bitch meetings very soon.
Onwards to The Empress. Pauline, you'll be delighted - or at least mildly interested - to know that they are doing afternoon tea now - and IT ROCKS. Tea, scrumptious finger sandwiches, scone with clotted cream and jam, a slab of perfectly spiced gingerbread and two fingers of chocolate biscuit cake - each? For £7? Fabulous stuff. I was on a sugar high for the rest of the day.
Evening time was spent working on ironing out some last minute stuff on the March fabric swap - got as many people as possible in, and I'm really looking forward to seeing what is sent and received. Then I revised some designs for new projects, both for myself and for my little shop - I'm very excited about making my first small quilt - just need to get some Bondaweb (anyone know where you can buy it in London? I've found it online but typically, want. it. now.) and have a couple of ideas for bigger quilts combining embroidery and quilting. So many projects, not enough time! I'll be running a little 'Hurray it's March' competition soon - can you see my mental reframing there, lol, and have to make the prize. Soon. Because I've told you all about it, so now it's real!
Tonight, it's off to knitting very briefly, then over the road to Liberty to meet Caroline, for chatting, sipping (of complimentary drinks - my favourite kind) and a little purchasing. I'm doing three freelancing jobs at the moment which is unprecedented, and also means I can almost justify acquiring some circular needles on the 15% off day.
So yesterday was a bit of a whirlwind. It was also the seven year anniversary of when I met XH, our official anniversary before we adopted the wedding anniversary instead (well, for that one year anyway)
The thing is, I had a great day. Busy, happy, amongst friends, creating and with only the briefest spare moment spent on a few seconds' space of requisite sadness. Then that was over and I realised how much there is at the moment that is very good indeed x
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