I did say in my last post that I'd make a dress.
I just didn't make the one I thought I'd make. Rather than the Liberty cotton from the other day, I realised I'd better get a move on with the dress for the wedding. It's next week.
Can I just say (in my defence, m'lud) that it actually hangs better on me than on Dolly - I must adjust her padding. I remembered that I don't have a zipper foot for my Janome, only for the Singer which is the workhorse, and frankly I don't want to put Liberty silk through it, just in case I foul it up. And also I bought a cream invisible zipper - which is invisible, indeed, in the body of the dress but the pull is visible at the top of the chocolate bodice, so I'll also have to look for a more suitable one in John Lewis along with a zipper foot.
The carpet blanket (which is going to require double my original quantity of wool, I reckon so I'll have to wait a bit to make that investment - will just work through what I have first) is coming along.
And I've got a mountain of cotton angora to make the wedding present throw. I've got ten balls each of the lilac, lavender and pink, with a few random balls of purple, blue and light blue. Now if I could only figure out the soft waves pattern... I've also been having problems with various hooks, metal and bamboo seem to work for me, but not plastic. What's that? A poor crafter blames her tools?
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