Yesterday I went for my first run since January. Well, a ralk (run/walk) around the circumference of my most loved local park. As I plodded - without grace, speed or even much purpose because really, you don't want to to jinx these things - I came to the realisation that for me, running (much like writing) makes it all make sense. Paradoxically that's probably incomprehensible to most people. Most people outside my head, at any rate. I'm slow and lumbering, while being incredibly competitive with myself. Yet I so relish the mental clarity combined with a zen "tuning out" that happens once I get into the flow of a run. My podiatrist will tie only with my mother in the 'Not Really Thrilled About This New Development' stakes.
The overwhelming desire to be able to run again as safely as possible - in a biomechanical sense, bearing in mind the collapsed arches, prolapsed discs and spondylolisthesis, ahem - is giving me new incentive to stick to the low-carb low-calorie diet for a little longer and get some more weight off these poor feet. I was getting restless and wanting to return to 'normal' but hey, the last few pounds are the hardest, right? So it will go on for a little longer. I've had such amazing support from friends and I feel roughly a million times better about so many things - it's definitely been worth it. Now hopefully the podiatrist appointment in July (a mere three and a half months after first referral - the lesson is, use the private health care next time) will sort the feet for once and for all.
Once more (with feeling) I'm attempting to complete The Artist's Way. I'm on Week 4. The reading deprivation, as anyone who's done the program will know, sucks. Also I am failing miserably at it. Though I've been severely restricting myself on email and social media in an attempt to get my freelance work done for the month. I'm building up my freelancing and it was an immense thrill to be paid for my first official copy-writing job last week. The thought of pursuing that full-time makes me slightly giddy - it's definitely worth aiming for.
In craft related news, last month we:
Went to the UK Ravelry Day. Great company. Good shopping opportunities. Crap weather. Jon from Easyknits gave away gingerbread knitting men with purchases which we rather liked.
Don't have any pics here but we triumphed in the I Knit International Knit in Public Day treasure hunt! Entirely due to GingerLucy's excellent balloon husbandry skills.
Some more stuff to come once I download pictures. Have found some new places to play, including one that you should certainly visit if you are in London... Right tis time to sleep. Up early tomorrow morning to run. Shhh, I didn't say that. 'Night Mum!
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