Another year down.
To summarise since the last post: have loved being off work for so long. In no hurry to go back. But slightly anxious about the state of things to come, both in my job and generally around us. Some forward planning might be a good idea. Must figure out how to do that. Last year's tax return is a bigger priority right now though.
Christmas was completely lovely, at home in Ireland, filled with all the people that I wanted to see and just the right mixture of socialising and relaxing.
I've been back in London since Saturday, and mostly tidied the flat - you'd think it was a mansion with the amount of time required; and shopped for stuff in the sales. This morning brought a threat of the recurring lurgy that's being passed around at the moment, starting with a roaring sore throat which has improved a little over the day but will probably be back with a vengeance tomorrow. Bah.
I received so many supercool crafted Christmas presents this year, I feel very lucky. Some of Lucy's soap, which she has blogged about, a pair of Lotta's lovely birds
and another great pressie from Abi (photo later) and the most wonderfully inventive present that made me literally roar with laughter when I opened it, from lovely Lucy and now stored carefully in a shadow box until I figure out how to display them because I don't want them to turn into little kitty voodoo dolls:
That's right, needle felted versions of the girls. Just brilliant.
There will be a knitting update later on. I've been spending a lot of time wondering what the hell happened to the past year and I'm going to try to make sure that next year I have more of a plan - a plan to get home more often, to take a holiday, to make a better job of remembering birthdays, and some other goals, some of which I'll probably mention on here as time goes on. Blogging more might be one of them. There's a corset and a quilt to be finished, a dress to be made, freelancing on the table which gives some indication of what the year might be like. Right now it's time to hit the shower then go out to ring in the new year. Whereever you are, whether you're already in 09 or it's yet to come, I hope it's full of love, laughter and happiness for you xx
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