After dropping my DH off for a stag weekend, I made my way to one of London's two quilting shops. I bought a few bits and bobs - mostly yardage for backing the new planned baby quilts and managed to spend £35 but it wasn't terribly exciting. Not as many interesting fabrics as I would have hoped, but I guess quilting just isn't as popular here. I did get some really nice fabrics from eBay which arrived today, but they were badly cut, which means that when I square them up to cut them into strips, I'm going to lose almost 2 inches - which is a lot from a fat quarter, non?
Then we had our apposite U moment - Up on a chair, screaming. Ok, I wasn't quite up on a chair, but when I got home I dumped the bag of fabric by the table. Later I noticed that the cat was darting towards it, and I thought it was another mega-spider, like last night. Oh no.
A poor little mouse. Eventually I got it out of the house and got the cats in, but it wasn't pretty, folks. I felt like such a wuss for not being able to separate all the creatures. I'm just hoping the mouse managed to get into next door's garden (although everyone has cats around here). And that the cats won't leave me any little presents in here, with their cat flap shut for most of the day...
Only TWO quilt shops in all of London?? That seems incredible! Thank goodness for the internet!
Posted by: kirsty | Saturday, 26 August 2006 at 08:28
So true. Also food for thought for a new business idea...
Posted by: Flibbertygibbet | Sunday, 27 August 2006 at 15:03